300 lbs 8 Year Old Illinois Whitetail buck - Whitetail Hunting

300 lbs 8 Year Old Illinois Whitetail buck - Whitetail Hunting

Derek Smith
March 3, 2018 - Hunting - #whitetail hunting  #whitetail bucks 


We came across a great whitetail hunting video that has close to a million views on YouTube. There's a great story behind the 8 year old 300 lb buck nicknamed "Oscar". 



The deer hunting that takes place on the Shoopman family farm has special meaning just as any other “family” farm. The management and care that has taken place since Grandpa Shoopman passed away has turned the piece of property into a whitetail hotspot. It’s a property that successes are measured in attracting and holding mature deer. Inches mean nothing and age is everything. The story of “Oscar” has been years in the making and is one that could not have been scripted any better years ago when they first laid eyes him. Grandpa Shoopman was looking down smiling ear to ear the afternoon of November 12, 2016!


Here's the video:




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