Moose Gets Trapped In Idaho Family's Basement

Moose Gets Trapped In Idaho Family's Basement

Derek Smith
February 1, 2017 - Wildlife

The Hailey family had a wild Sunday after an unexpected visitor paid them a visit. When the Haileys walked into their basement Sunday morning they discovered a moose staring right at them!


The female moose fell into a window well, and later found its way into the home where it would get stuck in the basement. “The window opened like a door and the latch was loose,” England tells “The moose pushed her way through and, amazingly enough, the window didn’t even break.” According to Lt. Steve England of the Hailey Police Department.



Police were the first ones to arrive, but they were unsure how to safely to get the moose out of the home, so they quickly covered any entrance in the basement with furniture to help keep people and the moose safe until Fish and Game could arrive. Fish and Game carefully tranquilized the moose and carried her out the front door. Once the moose awoke she ran off into the Idaho wilderness, and now she can share her amazing story with all her moose friends.



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